Tuffskin 1613 Facing
Tuffskin 1613 facing is a fire-resistant polyester film laminated to a fiberglass reinforcing scrim.
Used in conjunction with a marine insulation board for noise attenuation aboard ship.
Used on Navy hullboard per MIL-I-22023, Ty. III
Used on Low-K 200 polyimide foam per DOD-I-24688.
CF Hullboard Facing
100-percent woven fiberglass cloth, resin treated to ensure durability and non-flammability.
Facing is used in conjunction with a marine insulation board for thermal and acoustic insulation products.
Used primarily as facing for:
Navy hullboard per MIL-I-742, Ty. I
Low-K 200 polyimide foam per DOD-I-24688, Ty. II, Cl. 1 and Ty. II, Cl. 2
Facing for acoustic hullboard per MIL-A-23054
Pipe insulation requiring a protective outer jacket
Smoke Curtain Fabric
100-percent woven fiberglass cloth treated with a flame-retardant acrylic coating applied to both sides of the fabric.
Used extensively for shipboard applications where a fire-retardant, lightweight fabric is needed for a fire or smoke barrier.
The fabric is used for fabication of portable smoke curtains, fire blankets, and bunk curtains.
Meets the requirements of MIL-C-24757.
AM/CF Jacketing
AM/CF is a 100-percent fiberglass cloth, resin treated and laminated to an aluminized mylar film.
AM/CF is used as both a facing for marine insulation and as a jacketing for pipe covering.
May be used as a vapor-barrier jacketing for pipe insulation systems and air-conditioning ducts
Used as facing on marine insulation boards for use on bulkhead and hull applications where a moisture barrier is required.